Consistency of Doctrine

Down the stairs in the family room we find a Father and his young son.

"Now son, watch carefully. Right here in this very basement is where your grandfather taught me the proper way to through darts and now I am going to teach you."

"First you take your right hand and point it directly at the center of the board to focus on your target. Then, taking the dart in your left hand, push the dart forward toward the target and let go!" SWOOSH when the dart through the air... THWAP! went the dart into the... wall. In fact the wall was riddled with dart holes, and yet, the dart board appeared brand new?

"I know that I am no where as good as your grandfather was, son. I never really did get the hang of this."

"But dad, aren't you right-handed? Why don't you throw with your right hand?", the son asked curiously.

"Well, my boy, because that is the way I was taught and the way I've always done it"

To some extent, this is just the way that we were made. God created us to learn from our fathers. We innately trust them from the beginning of our lives. This is not a bad thing. When we begin to transfer this trust to everyone that is older or put in a position of authority or teaching over us it can become dangerous. You see, if we always trust that something is the best way simply because someone told us to did it that way we may end up missing the mark more often than not. We are assuming that they inevitably know that best or perfect way themselves. This could lead to a life of continuous failure both in the world and spiritually as well.

How can we be sure to have success in both areas? The answer is simpler than you may image. You need to fall back on that innate trait of trust God has put within you. Combined with the knowledge of God as your true Father will never lead you astray. Take your teaching and direction by man and take them to your Father in heaven and he will help you to accomplish or correct the teaching you have received.

He is faithful and just, he will never leave you or forsake you

Author and speaker, Chad Nedland continues to minister as God leads he and his family throughout the United States of America. Stepping out in faith, they gave away all they had to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Teaching about the fullness of a life with God is there life's purpose.

His greatest passion is encouraging and challenging other believers to walk in the fullness of their calling and identity in Christ.

Learn more at


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