How To Deal With Grant Proposal Rejection

Dear "Fill in the Blank,"

We are not going to fund your proposal because we think you stink and have cooties.

Best Regards,

Entity that thinks you stink and have cooties.

Sound Familiar?

Yep. It's OK. It's does to me too.

This has even happened to me after an initial site visit from a Board President. For those of you that don't know, board members contacting you to interrogate what you are about is a VERY good sign.

So, once this happens, and trust me it will, kindly deposit your paycheck into the swear jar and read what I think you need to do in the face of rejection... besides find better words like "Jeepers (my new favorite,) Swell, and Shitake Mushroom. (Feel free to put more usable words in the comments section.)

Here is how you deal with grant proposal rejection.

First: If it is not stated in the letter, ask them what you did wrong. Some will be happy to give you feedback, some won't. It's the nature of the game.

Second: If you don't receive feedback, what do you feel sabotaged your chances? Did you ask for too much? Did you not convey a precise mission, goals, time line, or baseline of measurement?

Third: I know you don't want to think about it, but sometimes entities don't receive the funding because of lack of transparency (this is a seriously relative term btw) or they may be some politics in the mix. Do you think that may have had something to do with it? Trust your gut feeling.

Fourth: Still stumped? Sweet Pea, you're not going to be for everyone. You're just not. I LOVE chocolate ice cream. I also know of people that hate it and I think they are crazy... but... realize that you are just like chocolate ice cream.

Fifth: This is a seriously subjective and highly competitive process. Know that for every 30 "no's" you will get 1 "yes."

So, go shoo the pigeons off your desk and keep moving. You are allowed to be mad and frustrated. For 1 day. I give you full permission. However, you are not allowed to unpack and stay in the land of ticked off.

Keep at it, trust me that in a few months, your hard work is going to pay off ten fold, and swatting the pigeons away from your head will be just a bad memory.

Did this article help you? Please feel free to share it with everyone you know and check out my eBook, "How To Get Your Nonprofit Fully Funded In Its First Year" here:

By Sarah Childers

Article Source: How To Deal With Grant Proposal Rejection

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