5 Tips to Grow Your Business Through Corporate Culture

As entrepreneurs, starting that perfect business is often one of our biggest dreams in life. But aside from initially founding the business, the growth of that business should be the greatest dream of ours. Imagine if your company was perpetually stuck with the first five customers who walked in its doors with zero new clients trying out your product or service. I'm sure you would agree that this scenario would hardly be a dream-come-true. And although it is easy to see the important role of growth, finding ways to promote and excel that growth is typically not as easy. One great way to grow your new business is by paying special attention to the atmosphere of your company, otherwise known as corporate culture.

Of course, having an excellent product or service and a process to produce and market it is critical to the fundamental offering and success of your business. But remember, if your employees hate their job, it is unlikely that they will actively help you grow your business. In fact, they may do the exact opposite by deterring customers from your brand when they experience poor service. Companies who place heavy importance on corporate culture, however, will likely witness a much more positive scenario with employees. And since people are the backbone of any company, it is difficult to stress too much how extraordinary corporate culture and growth go hand-in-hand.

But enough talk. Now that we know the importance of corporate culture and its relationship with growing businesses, let's take a look at five excellent ways to grow your new business by harnessing culture in the workplace.

1. Take a look at corporate culture successes. Examine the companies who are excelling at creating a productive and happy work environment, then make a list of the things that your business could copy and turn it into your personalized corporate culture.

2. Ask your employees what kind of an atmosphere would help them perform at their best. What would motivate them? How would they like to be treated? Do they admire the way a particular company treats their employees? Feedback like this is precious information.

3. Imagine your corporate culture goal and then work backward to make it happen. What kind of a company do you dream of having? You want the happiest employees ever, right? Create a fantasy and write down the things that make your fictional employees happy, then use it as a bank of ideas to pull from when formulating your culture.

4. Make honesty and integrity expected. Although the importance of honesty is apparent, weaving it into the fabric of your corporate culture is a great way to solidify it within the company. Furthermore, making sure that honesty is the top priority will help prevent your corporate culture from becoming fake and ineffective with lofty, out of touch corporate catch-phrases.

5. When you find a company culture that works, hire people who fit it. Once you hit that "sweet spot" where employees and management are working together smoothly, people are satisfied, and the entrepreneurial dream is alive and well, then stop making massive changes to the culture and instead focus on hiring individuals who are a good culture fit.

Austin Parker is an aspiring entrepreneur with interests in what makes businesses and entrepreneurs successful. He is also currently enrolled in the Masters of Entrepreneurship Degree Program at Western Carolina University. Webmasters and other article publishers are hereby granted article reproduction permission as long as this article in its entirety, author's information, and any links remain intact.
Copyright 2016 by Austin Parker. http://www.aParkerBlog.com

By Austin Parker

Article Source: 5 Tips to Grow Your Business Through Corporate Culture

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