How to Attract Your Perfect Customers on Autopilot

So whether you use infusionsoft, mailchimp, aweber or any of the 1000 other autoresponder software programs out there, the key is that we want to use a system that can do two things;

Store contact data
Automatically send out messages
Because there are so many different email platforms out there and they all use slightly different language, I want to talk about the basic functionality of the email system and come up with some common terminology to make sure were all on the same page.

Once you understand the process, then you can go to your respective software and perform the actions needed.

At its core, an email marketing system is really just a contact manager (like an address book or a rolodex if you still remember those) that was built to make it easy to send out emails.

You put names in and then you can send them email - pretty basic stuff.

There are two different types of email messages that most email marketing systems can send:

Automated Messages
Broadcasts - these are messages that are created and sent out in real-time like newsletters or holiday specials, etc.

Automated Messages - these are messages that get created one time and then are automatically sent out based on specific criteria.

We're going to be focusing on the automated messages because we don't want to have to stop and send an email every time somebody opts-in to receive our lead magnet - it kind of defeats the purpose

So, for terminology we're going to use the following:

Lead - this is the user that has opted in to our form.

List - this is the specific email list that was created for these users. Usually we will create a new list for each lead magnet so if you have multiple lead magnets, you will have multiple lists. The exception to the rule is infusionsoft, which uses a tagging structure. If you have questions about that let us know!

Message - this is an Automated email message that is sent out from your email system.

So let's just start at the beginning and step through the process and see how the email marketing system plays a part.

The first part of making sure our client attraction systems can be evergreen (always working) is that we want our landing page software and our email autoresponder to be integrated (meaning they can talk to each other). So that whenever somebody fills out the form on our landing page, their name and email are automatically sent to your email autoresponder. This keeps us from having to manage the process. It can be running in the background while we focus our attention on other aspects of the business. Remember - the goal is to have a system that will attract clients any time of day.

The good news is - all landing page software programs will do this automatically with popular email systems - we just have to tell the landing page software, which list to insert the prospect into.

The steps of using an e-mail autoresponder are:

Step 1. List Creation

Go to our email autoresponder and create a list. Like I mentioned before, if you have multiple lead magnets you will likely have multiple lists so give the list a meaningful name because you will have to pick it out of a drop down menu later.

Don't use something like... Lead Magnet.

Instead Use: 5 Minute SEO Cheat sheet, 2015 Holiday Special or New Customer Free Evaluation.

Once you name your list you will have to put in some other information like:

sender name
sender email address
mailing address (needed to remain CAN-SPAM compliant)
Whatever the software asks for, you put it in and save it. BINGO, your list is created!

Now when you jump in to create your landing page, all you will have to do is select your new list in the integration settings. They've actually made it quite easy and if you have any questions at all on how to do this, all you need to do is visit the support center for your email marketing software and search for "create a new list" or something similar. I'm sure they will have videos showing you step by step how to do it.

Step 2. Create an Automated Message

Once that part is completed - the next thing you'll need to do is create your first automated message.

In infusionsoft we'll create a new campaign sequence
In Aweber you can either create a Legacy Follow Up Series
In Mailchimp you'll create a workflow

All we want this first message to do is deliver the thing that your prospect just requested (your e-book, report, coupon, etc.) and try to encourage the user to actually consume the content.

It can literally be as simple as...

Hey Jim,

As promised, below is a link to the special report that you requested. This special report is all based on 13 years of personal experience in this space and this training method is guaranteed to deliver XYZ. Just click the link below to start your journey.

After you've had a chance to work with XYZ please let us know what you thought. I'd love to hear about your experience.

Talk soon!

That's it.

A few tips and tricks...

Give your email lists specific names - once you have 5 or ten you'll thank yourself.
Don't try to do too much in your first email.
Always remember... Done > None.

As entrepreneurs, I know that we can sometimes tend to have a little perfectionism in us, but you have to fight it. Keep it simple, make sure the pieces are working together and then go back and refine over time.

Visit Black Dog Marketing for more exciting posts and information like this!

 By Mike Linville

Article Source: How to Attract Your Perfect Customers on Autopilot

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