Joyful Encounters

Everything we face in life is a potential learning experience. The trials and testing of our faith are meant to bring about growth and stability in our lives, but instead of recognizing them as such, we tend to take cover and question why these speed bumps are happening to us. These challenges to our faith are introduced through the physical, mental, societal, financial, and spiritual arenas. The Apostle James, who undoubtedly experienced his share of trials, revealed that when the Believer faces difficult circumstances, he should "count it all joy." (James 1:2) At first reading, we want to quickly find another translation that will soften the shock of his rhetoric. What could James possibly see in the times of testing that would cause people to display total joy? I can image how he felt when the Holy Spirit first revealed this to him. He must have questioned how one facing a life altering situation could display joy. Sometimes, Believers have a hard time experiencing the reality of the Word when it does not fit their understanding. When we do not fully accept the reality of a Biblical teaching, we tend to back away by dismissing its relativity to our lives. We must never retreat from Biblical truths. If we don't understand certain Scriptures, let us wait for the Holy Spirit to reveal it to us.

The testing of our faith produces PATIENCE which, in turn, begins to work in the challenging situations that the Believer faces. Patience helps to solidify the Believer's faith and trust in the Lord. Patience is not susceptible to time restraints. The reason many Believers fall short of victory is because they are too impatient. They want instant results and, as a result, they fail to let Patience perform its "perfect work," which is to develop Christian character. The longer the trial goes on, the greater the opportunity to grow in the Faith. When patience has completed its work, the Believer will exit the trial in victory. They will be "complete, lacking nothing." (James 2:2-4)

During the working of Patience, there are bound to be questions that will arise pertaining to the ongoing testing. There is nothing wrong with asking questions, as long as the objective is to reach spiritual understanding. James tells us if we lack direction in our challenges, we should ask God for wisdom. God is more than willing to give us this guidance. Wisdom is not a reckless abandonment of faith, but a spiritual grasping of how to deal with our challenges. There is a stipulation to receiving wisdom; that one must ask in faith, "with no doubting." (James 1:5, 6) In the middle of our testing, we must never try to find a way out, but a way through to the victory. Patience is a road less traveled by so many Believers, yet it is the pathway to spiritual growth. God knows that so many Christians are on the "clock," and because of their impatience, have lost great opportunities to mature in the Faith. We cannot have the mind of Christ and a resurrected carnal mind when it comes to facing our various trials. The Bible states that a divided mind will result in spiritual confusion. (James 1:8)

In every major airport there is a mark along the runway that signifies a point of total commitment to the take off. At that point, there is no aborting of the flight. It is either lift off or crash. Many Believers start their spiritual flight with God, but for some reason they never reach the point of total commitment. They go along by playing church, but when the trials and tests come, they fall into feeling and emotions instead of seeing things by faith.

Our Trials are there to help us grow. So let us say with James, "My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."

 By Paul W Hoffmaster

Article Source:  Joyful Encounters

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