Should Trump Become More Statesman-Like Or Is It For The World To Adapt?

Billionaire President Donald Trump is now the leader of the Free World and he is also the epitome of the 'Unreasonable Man' and that is definitely self-evident. Whether you like Donald Trump or his style is quite immaterial, fore he is our president thus, you have to admit; love him or hate him, he is a president that is going to shape humanity's future, and ground zero is Washington DC, which I might add, it is a long time coming.

So what exactly is an 'Unreasonable Man' you ask? Well, that term comes from a very famous quote by George Bernard Shaw;

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man."

Now then, are you beginning to see the resemblance to the 'Unreasonable Man' and President Trump? I thought you might. Recently, I read an interesting Tweet on Twitter: "It is not 4 Trump 2 become more statesmanlike or change behavior - it is 4 the world to adapt to leader of Free World." Now that is a lot of philosophy in a single 140-character tweet isn't it?

President Trump was elected because of who he is, because he was an outsider, because he shouted his disdain of the status quo, business as usual, and the political correctness which has invaded our nation and OUR government - this struck a chord with voters, and they took him up on his offer to fix it.

Just as George Bernard Shaw noted, it's going to take someone like Donald Trump to change Washington DC and provide progress to our nation; giving us back security, quality of life, and common sense.

Asking Donald Trump to fall-in-line, stop tweeting or go with the flow in Washington DC or at the United Nations is simply not going to happen. No true to character unreasonable man would ever do that. He is under no obligation to either, as he was elected to be Donald Trump, not another Washington Insider politician. As he disrupts the system, the complex web and blob of bureaucracy, there will be friction, but disruption at this level is required.

Disruption at this level is also required across the globe - that is if humanity wants 'true progress' and if nations around the world wish to hold on to their sovereignty, culture, and local control. Maybe Donald Trump is the right man to come along at the right time, and will achieve these goals because of who he is; The Unreasonable Man.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Innovation in America. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

 By Lance Winslow

Article Source: Should Trump Become More Statesman-Like Or Is It For The World To Adapt?

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