A Selling Secret From Someone Who Hates Selling

If you hate selling but you know it's a necessity for making money, then this will be one of the best articles you will read today.

Here's what it's all about:

I abhor selling.

But If I want to eat for the month and pay my bills, I have to sell.

You have to do the same.

But selling is so hard.


Humans are lazy beings. If you leave us alone, we will buy the things only toilet paper, food and a cloth here and there.

It takes tremendous sales and marketing knowledge to make someone get off his butt and buy stuff that he doesn't need to survive.

This is where you can use a little old fashioned scarcity to whatever it is you are selling.

In fact, it will not look like selling to your prospects.

If you have something people genuinely want but doesn't seem to be motivated to buy, you need to create the illusion of taking it away from him.

The classic example is "Only X left."

It worked like gangbusters in the old days and it works today.

Here's something important:

You need to make the scarcity believable. If you don't, the prospect will think "yeah sure" and he they won't buy.

Especially using "Only X left" when selling digital products, scream "LIAR" from miles away.

But there's even a way to twist the "only X left" when selling information.

Here's how I would do it:

I would say that "only X people can buy the product."

Then I will add:

"The reason I'm doing this is because I know you will have questions when you consume the material. And I want you to ask me whatever you want. But I can only answer the questions of X people at any given time. That's why I put this limit."

That's believable.

In fact, I have seen it used in a weight loss program.

The owner allowed 100 middle aged ladies to buy it. He wasn't lying about the limit either. When the 101st, 102nd and so forth lady tried to buy the product she got a message saying "I'm sorry but we have passed the 100th mark. Good luck next time!"

Powerful stuff.

So use it whenever you try to sell something.

Heck, abuse it if you can.

Human beings will sit on our asses all day if we didn't have to do anything for surviving

For more unconventional selling secrets that work like crazy, go to http://asskickingreviews.com

 By Fotis Chatzinicolaou

Article Source: A Selling Secret From Someone Who Hates Selling

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