Five Solid, Powerful Tools for Entrepreneurs and Lightworkers to Turn Up Your Light

Shining brighter doesn't show up like you think it will. Shining brighter starts inside and flows outside, and it does not depend on the actual medium. It can show up with a multitude of media. These five tools for generating more buzz, shining brighter and attracting more people into your business are easy to start and initiate, today.

#1 Commit to a much larger result than you have been thinking about. Whatever you've been doing, it hasn't gotten you to where you seek to be. So notch it up.

#2 Look across media and see where you shine brightest. Is it writing, singing, blogging, creating videos, creating audio recordings, or is it something like Facebook or Twitter? Build on what is the most natural and comes with the most ease.

#3 Expansion is delicious. It is also painful. Then delicious. Then painful. Then delicious. Then different. If you've never had a virtual assistant, then suddenly you do, it is both delicious and you also have to change it up for things to work.

#4 Vet new ideas and run with the ideas that charge you up the most. If it is so charged your body tingles, it might be big enough. If it's like "of course, I can do that" and it feels like taking a nap it's that easy, it might not take you someplace new. This is a relatively difficult concept because it is this fine line of "what do I do next," and going where you sense the energy will give you extra easy play - but it may be also uncomfortable at the same time.

#5 Take it easy around results. You might get immediate results. You might not. You might have to measure your results differently. So, in starting a new podcast, you might watch your sales and client interactions for measures of success as opposed to focusing intently only on the download numbers and stats that show up on the dashboard. You can self-moderate and kill totally beautiful projects by mutilating them before giving them a chance to shine.

Here's more on committing to a larger result and what messes up entrepreneurs and light-workers. Let's say you desire 70,000 listens or #1 bestseller status. Now, it's your first day out of the gate, and you anxiously look at sales or results. As you look at the results (and they may be dismal), you suddenly lose all enthusiasm for the project. So, that is not actually the best way to get insanely ridiculous successful results. Instead, ask the results questions. What inspired action can I take today to move me in the direction of the results I desire right away?

And let's say it's a book, you might get the idea of a Kindle 99-cent day special to run four weeks from now. So you then have four weeks to amp up your plans for the morning rush of a bestseller campaign around a 99-cent day special. Boom! That is very different energy from looking daily at your book sale numbers and experiencing some kind of self-judgment around them.

It is a discipline to see the light beyond the tunnel. So that's really what this first tool is about. Commit to something bigger, and then take inspired action in the direction of that result, each day.

Choosing the appropriate media for you is like choosing a shoe, a style, a dress, a look. Some of you might pick up a pair of tight jeans, put on a cowboy hat, buy the best and most unusual boots you can find and have your look. For the rest of the people on the planet, this would be a ridiculous choice. When you choose your medium - print, video, social media, audio - choose for you. No one outside of you can say what makes you light up. Only you know this. You can get help from energy workers and lightworkers to see where you seem to flourish the easiest - and also, at the same time, if someone says "create a TV show," and that makes your stomach turn, don't do it even if that person is amazing. If someone says "create a podcast" and you start doing cartwheels inside of joy, that's a key to choosing it.

A new year is a great time to get inspired and get into action. Whatever you chose that didn't let you shine in the past, ask yourself to release that now and step into the light of your brilliance as an entrepreneur and light-worker.

Subscribe to the daily podcast "The Erica Glessing Show" featuring 8-minute inspirational interviews with entrepreneurs and lightworkers for more tools on shining brightly. Erica Glessing is the CEO of Happy Publishing with more than 100,000 followers on social media and 18 #1 bestselling books. For her complimentary video series "Build Your Book as Brand" go to and look for "free stuff."

 By Erica Glessing

Article Source: Five Solid, Powerful Tools for Entrepreneurs and Lightworkers to Turn Up Your Light

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