Late Fees Are Inhumane

Humans beings are always willing to agree on how imperfect we are. There is no such thing as a perfect being. Things don't always work out for us humans. Good things and bad things happen that negatively effect humans on a daily basis. Unfortunately, late fees are a way for human beings to capitalize on human misfortune. They charge us money when bad things happen to us. Most people want to pay their bills on time, but things happen that force us to not make our payments on time, and we should not penalized for that.

Most people are aware of the fact that there is a late fee involved when a payment is made late or after the assigned, yet agreed upon due date, and still the payment is made late. Then obviously, there is a problem, but instead of at least acknowledging what the problem is, they arbitrarily charge a late fee. They charge us because they can, not because it's necessary, as a punishment for our misfortune and to capitalize on that misfortune. How inhumane is that? They don't care if you got into an accident, forget you, pay me. They don't care if you got sick and was unable to work, forget you, pay me. They don't care if you injured yourself trying to rescue a child from a burning building, forget you, pay me. These companies and corporations are not human, but they employ humans and humans enforce these policies as if they are not human, and apparently, bad things just don't happen to them.

When I communicate my problems, spill my guts, put my business out there to the businesses that I have agreed to pay, they still charge the late fee. So what's the point of communicating if they are still going to charge the fee for being late. I talk to these company representatives and they tell me that they have to charge me and there is nothing that they can do. I think to myself "No, they don't have to charge me.", "Why am I talking to them?", "Why did they call me or answer the phone when I called?"

Late fees are not tax deductible, so I can only wonder if companies pay taxes on those late fees, or if they are even report them. Since the US Government allows late fees to even exist, then we should be able to write them on our taxes. Then again, that might actually help people, so...

Economics involves the economy and the human population and the financial decisions that we have available, but reason and morality seems irrelevant. I'm not sure when or why late fees came about, but late fees are not good for the economy of middle class people, especially not good for lower class people, because they are not helping people, but making it worse for good hard-working people. People that are supposedly smarter than the average person somehow decided that late fees would somehow be good for the economy, but in reality, it's like mafia mentality. There is no humanity. There is no compassion. There is no understanding. It's all about the money and that's it, nothing else. So, above all, let's make those payments on time, or... you'll have to pay MORE of your hard-earned money for basically being human. It's just one more way to keep us middle-class people in debt throughout our entire lives, and not to mention, keep the rich people rich for their entire lives. Ain't that something?

My name is Mert Taylor. I like to write about things on my mind and subjects that you should be aware of. Visit my website at to learn more.

 By Mert Taylor

Article Source: Late Fees Are Inhumane

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