Orthodontics and Braces Tips


Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of dental irregularities. It also covers the correction of facial problems. This form of treatment is provided by an orthodontist. This is a dentist who specializes in orthodontics. They spend an extra two or three years learning the material required in this specialty of dentistry. They learn how to diagnose dental irregularity and how to move teeth into the right positions. Moreover, they learn about facial growth and jaw movement. There are a number of dental problems that are corrected in orthodontics. Read on to learn about them.

Dental problems that are corrected in orthodontics

There are many dental and facial issues that are solved using orthodontics. They include:

1. Tooth misalignment or malocclusion

2. Problems with the growth of jaws

3. Teeth missing from the jaw or extra teeth

4. Crowding and protrusion of teeth in the mouth

5. Problems with tooth spacing

6. Retention or early loss of baby teeth

7. Tooth misalignment due to finger-sucking

8. Cracking or chipping of the teeth

Teeth that are crooked or do not fit properly together are difficult to keep clean. They are also at higher risk of getting lost to decay or periodontal disease. In addition to that, they cause stress on the muscles in the jaw and cause headaches. Crooked, misaligned or chipped teeth also negatively affect your appearance. They can cause self-consciousness and even low self esteem. Thankfully, orthodontics can solve these problems and result in a better appearance, healthier gums as well as stronger teeth. Orthodontists make use of various solutions to fix these dental problems.


This is the most common solution used by orthodontists. They are a system of wires, bands and brackets that are anchored on the teeth to guide their growth on the jaw into the desired alignment. The orthodontist tightens the wires on the braces so as to apply tension on the teeth and move them in the desired direction. Braces are professionally adjusted every month to maintain the right amount of tension. Wearing them for a few months or years can create a beautiful smile out of misaligned teeth.

Removable aligners

This is an alternative to braces. Aligners are attractive to adults because they are virtually invisible and removable too. They move teeth in the same way that braces do. You can remove them to eat, brush your teeth or floss.


Orthodontics is one of the most important branches of dentistry. It requires the use of specially engineered solutions to correct the alignment of teeth. Orthodontists are responsible for ensuring the right alignment of teeth as well as movement of the jaws. If you feel that your teeth are crooked or have a bad alignment, orthodontics is the solution you should seek.

To learn more about Orthodontics, please visit Kitsilano Dentist

 By William Jam Smith

Article Source: Orthodontics and Braces Tips

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