The Purpose of Installing Wheel Stops on a Car Park

Whether we like to admit it or not, there are always some drivers who neglect to put on their car's handbrake. This means that they park up and step out of the vehicle without restricting its ability to roll. Without safety measures, this means that one of these vehicles could start to move by itself, with the potential to cause serious injury. Of course, there is also the chance that a handbrake could be defective rendering it useless. We only have to look to the recent death of Anton Yelchin, who was crushed by his own car when the handbrake failed to engage properly. While many of us would be concerned about safety, if you own a property with a private car park, there is also the possibility of liability if such an incident occurs. For this reason, many property owners consider installing wheel stops.

Aren't Concrete Kerbs Enough?
Many make the assumption that a concrete kerb would be sufficient to prevent property damage or injury in the event of a handbrake not being applied or failing. However, as some car park owners have found, a concrete kerb does not provide adequate protection. This means that not only is there a risk of physical damage to cars and property, but also the potential for legal damages. Fortunately, wheel stops can help to prevent this. A wheel stop can be installed to prevent this risk.

Australian Standards:
According to AS2890.1;20014, the Australian standard, when installing wheel stops, Perth car park owners need to comply with the specification for the physical dimensions mandated. The stop needs to average between 90 and 100 millimetres in height with an approximate width of 1650 millimetres. These dimensions can not only provide protection against property damage, but it can also help to prevent damage to the vehicle itself.

The Reasons to Install Wheel Stops:
If you are still unsure about installing wheel stops in designated spaces, you should be aware that these stops can control the kerb overhang that could be dangerous to pedestrians. With a stop in place, an allowance for pedestrians to walk by is created. Additionally, stops can inhibit vehicles from encroaching on the parking space opposite. This can prevent vehicles from banging into each other when parking and save space if your parking bays are limited.

Eliminating all potential for vehicle damage is not feasible, as accidents will happen. However, with the correct safety equipment, you can minimise the risk of accidents occurring on your property. This can not only reduce your liability, but it could help you to avoid the stress and frustration of dealing with an angry employee or customer who has suffered damage to their precious vehicle.

If you are considering installing wheel stops, Perth property owners should speak to us. We offer a range of durable wheel stops including rubber wheel stops. The IB team is available to discuss your requirements and recommend the solution best suited to your needs. We would also be happy to answer any queries or questions you may have. Image Bollards: Supply and install high quality security bollards around Australia, we supply wide range of bollards including steel bollards, rubber bollards, removable bollards and bike racks, along with wheel stops, speed humps. With our security bollards that protect property and assets from vehicles.

 By Tony Scott

Article Source: The Purpose of Installing Wheel Stops on a Car Park

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