Ultimate Danger and Agony of Negotiating Like Donald Trump - Negotiation Tip of the Week

The intent of this article is to highlight the negotiation tactics used by Donald Trump. It doesn't pass judgment on the man.

Some have called Donald Trump a negotiator's negotiator when it comes to the art of the deal. Many have sought to emulate his tactics, but upon examination, one might be cautious to do so. That's because one needs the resources that Mr. Trump has to sustain the type of negotiation ploys he employs. Take as an example the following...

Stating verifiable truths as untruths:

It's very difficult to negotiate with someone that offers alternative facts to reality when making offers and counteroffers that you and they make. It's akin to being in an environment where up is down, out is in, and right is wrong. Through such mental maneuverings, Mr. Trump leaves an opposing negotiator in a state of doubt per the direction to take in a negotiation.

I never promised you a rose garden:

Mr. Trump makes promises that are too good to believe at times. Then, some of those promises never become reality. At times, he has a way of telling people what they want to hear, what they want to believe. A negotiator that does not follow through on promises will lose his believability eventually. From there, he'll lose the trust of those with whom he negotiates.

Using Bullying Tactics:

Just because you're big doesn't mean you should take advantage of people. Mr. Trump has boasted in the past about his ability to use other people's money and resources to put deals together. Then, if the deal doesn't bear fruit, he walks away leaving others holding the bag. If you acquire a reputation as a negotiator of leaving others holding the bag when troubles occur, they'll avoid negotiating with you and you'll miss potential opportunities that would have otherwise availed themselves. Always be mindful of how you treat the smallest and largest of people.


When you lie, perceived to be unfair, and you leave some people feeling you don't value them, eventually it'll catch up with you. There will come a time when someone that negotiates tougher than you will seek to slay your negotiation efforts. They may do so as payback for the reputation you've established as being a ruthless negotiator, or simply to take your crown.


The inherent agony in the way Mr. Trump negotiates is encased in his brand. That's to say, he's massaged his brand to a point that some people see him as a savior based on what his perceived accomplishments have been in business. They transfer those perceived skills as being viable in other realms of life (i.e. the presidency). The lesson to be observed from this dilemma is, you should negotiate with those that are more disposed to your influence than those that are not. By doing so, you stand a better chance of achieving more successful negotiation outcomes.

In your negotiations, be cautious when employing the strategies that Mr. Trump employs. He can get away with some of them, for now, because of who he is and the resources he has. You're not him. So, if you're wise, you won't try these tactics at home or anywhere else. By not doing so... everything will be right with the world.

Remember, you're always negotiating!

"Body Language Secrets To Win More Negotiations" will allow you to gain insight as to how you can negotiate better by being able to read the other negotiator's body language. In addition, the book goes deep into new negotiation strategies that you can use to disarm your negotiation opponent and increase your negotiation win rates.

Get "Body Language Secrets To Win More Negotiations" and start winning more negotiations while reading body language to do so!


 By Greg Williams

Article Source: Ultimate Danger and Agony of Negotiating Like Donald Trump - Negotiation Tip of the Week

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