Dealing With Equipment Failures

Let's see what can you learn and do something about failures.

First of all it is pertinent to change the culture of thinking within the organization about approaching failures-time and again which are related to equipment. Start preparing your people to at least visualize failures from a thoughtful perspective. Technically speaking, we are not specifically talking about failures... but rather hurdles that lead to overall failure of an establishment's objectives. These could arise from even the simplest of issues like limited space. However, these hurdles/challenges are strangely interesting and usually force us to think out-of-the-box from layout/installation point of view.

Try to identify the scope of hurdles and work on a scope hunting exercise to give you two to three potential solutions. For example, while installing a particular type of equipment in x outlet, you had to go through a set of challenges. Now, you are planning to install the same equipment in y outlet. Have you listed down the points that were taken to tackle the issues then for x while installing the said equipment? If yes, good... you already have the solution and you can start addressing them right away before installing. If no, you can set an investigation team to find out how that outlet overcame those challenges. It would be quite possible that many people who were in charge of that exercise might have left the organization by now. This would be an additional challenge to reach out to them and find out the answers. This episode gives you a hint on two important learnings: always have a log book to note down key issues within an outlet and maintain a good relationship with all employees when the leave your organization-although the latter would become extremely vital only if you have failed on the former instance miserably.

In the commercial kitchen equipment space, one has to understand that there will be certain situations which will be unprecedented. Not all situations can ever be in your complete control all the time. Hence, whenever there is a worrisome situation, simply relax, breathe in and breathe out first. Take time and then think diligently what could be done. If you had faced the situation before, you would sort out the challenge easily, no matter how difficult it is. Then why worry in the first place.

What happens when it is a new hurdle for you? The situation can be controlled and with the help of social media. It is common to be a part of WhatsApp groups that have like-minded people (some of them would be your friends) who can help you address your challenges. Please drop a post and you would certainly get responses telling you the initials steps to be taken. In the meanwhile, you can also follow up with the company that has supplied the product, and search for the warranty contract that the company is bound with.

The point of writing these simple things is to make sure that you do not lose your thinking mind when you go through such challenges. They are inevitable. They are bound to happen to you sooner or later. So, take them in your stride and move on. There can never be anything more important than moving on and making that equipment work again for you.

Know more about commercial kitchen equipment manufacturers, suppliers and exporters.

 By Sairaj S

Article Source: Dealing With Equipment Failures

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