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Examine Official's POLICY, Not Promises

Examine Official's POLICY, Not Promises

By Richard Brody

When one considers, and examines, the past results of many elections, it becomes somewhat obvious, many voters, appear to place their votes, based on the often - empty rhetoric, and promises, rather than their best interests, and the true needs, of our society, as a whole! It's important, and we would all benefit, if the typical American voter, would pay more attention, and avoid, either apathy, or proceeding, with the mindset, their vote didn't matter, anyway! With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly examine, and consider, using the mnemonic approach, why, we would all benefit, if voters examined the actual POLICY, of their potential leaders.

1. Planning; priorities; perceptions: Voters must realize, and understand, in most instances, simplistic, populist messages, ideas, and rhetoric, do not serve the best interests of society, in a truly relevant, and/ or sustainable manner! Rather, we are usually best - served, when we elect an individual, who understands, recognizes, and focuses on actual priorities, and proceeds, with well - developed planning. It's important to recognize the difference between perceptions, and reality, and we need elected officials, who consistently address, both actual, as well as perceived needs, priorities, and values!

2. Opinions; options; opportunities: Wouldn't it be better, if, we elected individuals, who were ready, to openly express their opinions, and, did so, after examining and considering options and alternatives, with an open - mind, and opting for the best possible opportunities?

3. Listen; learn; leading; logic: We would all be better represented, if/ when our public officials, proceeded with the utmost logic! These individuals should prioritize effective listening, rather than merely making promises, and using empty rhetoric. Focusing on learning, and leading society, in a way, which emphasized, not only what is, but what should be, should be the emphasis, of those, who are elected to serve and represent us!

4. Integrity; intentions; imagination; ideas: Many Americans believe, according to polls, the present occupant of the White House, President Donald Trump, lies more than anyone, elected, in recent history! We deserve absolute integrity, from these officials, but seem to overlook this, often, looking only, at their promises and rhetoric! Always inspect and examine, the combination of their intentions (and motives), whether they possess the necessary degree of imagination (to see things as they should be), and to introduce the best ideas!

5. Creative; character: Rather than being motivated to vote for the individuals, who make the best promises, we should vote for individuals, who are creative, and possess the quality of character, we seek, deserve, and desire!

6. You; yes; your: Every voter must assume personal responsibility, and realize, it's about your attention, and attitude, and seeking the best leadership, rather than polarizing, negative influences! Elect individuals, who say, yes, to progress, and freedoms, and know, quality representation, must be, about you!

Avoid focusing on empty promises, rhetoric, and vitriol, and, rather. examine a potential, elected official's qualifications, and POLICY. Will you attempt to be a more responsible voter, in the future?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense politics:

Article Source: Examine Official's POLICY, Not Promises

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