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Understanding The Restless Teenage Years

Understanding The Restless Teenage Years

By Uche Mbah

Educating the teens has been most challenging in our educational system. It is the time when the child is embroiled in internal conflict as to personal identity, a time that there is such an urge to rebel against the existing adult order; a time that if educators are not careful may result in a make or mar situation. That is the time that kids are more likely to take to drugs due to peer groups and other factors that goes beyond the scope of this write-up. But poor understanding of what is happening to the adolescent is bound to hasten their alienation to their environment, making them a prey to unusual influences. Therefore this article attempts to look at the adolescent and their spiritual journey in this material world.

I have said in other articles that the soul, the future owner of the body usually incarnate into the fetus at the middle of pregnancy. It is the time of the first kick of the baby in the womb, and with the entrance of the soul the blood automatically forms. Therefore it is safe to say that the soul forms the blood it is going to use in the body. This is because the soul binds itself to the body using the blood as the bridge. Actually it is the radiation of the soul that connects with the radiation of the blood to keep it bound. Hence whenever the soul leaves the body in death the body immediately dissolves. But that is not the topic for today.

Although the soul has incarnated in the body, there is still no direct connection with the physical world. It is as if it is meant to be connected with the world but was not yet allowed to until the right time. That is why children learn only by imitation, because responsibility has not yet set in. They are more like animals, evoking the origin of their body I talked about in the article Evolution vs Creation. That is why they are closer to animals, and part of a child's upbringing may include use of pets. It is also at this age that mostly people are able to see the forms of the forces of the elements like the gnomes, elves and water sprites. it is also the period when the connection of the soul with their past lives is strongest. This ability wanes as the child grows older and matures into adolescence. Teachers should take into considerations of this fact so as not to hamper the natural development of the child. For a child who can see an elemental being and a teacher tells him that such beings do not exist but is a figment of his imagination does a lot of harm to the child's psyche.

At adolescence, the bridge is now lowered for the soul to make direct contact with the environment. Here the time of personal responsibility sets in, and there is this longing for everything ideal by the person involved. But the ideal they envisage is glaringly opposite to the reality they see on earth. This is the cause of the rebellious nature of youth. And this rebellion can be taken to extremes, particularly when, in the case of women, books of romance paint artificial pictures of life. The confusion among half-casts, which in actual sense are racial misfits, is complicated by their double racial ancestry.

More of these can only be got from the work In The Light of Truth The Grail Message by Abd-ru-shin, in three volumes.

Article Source:  Understanding The Restless Teenage Years

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