Business :New Flash: Rome Wasn't Built In Two Days Either

By Bobby Darnell

I firmly believe we live in a world that leans towards, and leads us to, instant gratification.

Fresh hot coffee, by the cup, brewed instantly. Do you want your friends to see what you are having for lunch? You can upload a picture instantly. Do you want the latest music from your favorite artist? Simply, download it instantly.

When it comes to building new business, 'instant' can help but cannot replace that which it cannot replace.

Developing a brand takes time.

Building trusted relationships takes time.

Developing a portfolio of solid projects takes time.

I am a big believer in not reinventing the wheel. I prefer to look around, see what others are doing, and doing well, and try to follow. Who has not heard of The Wall Street Journal? Yet, I see their ads everywhere. Why would a brand like the Mayo Clinic feel the need to be on Twitter? Yet they are and they are crushing it. Why would contractors with billions in revenue use a lead service? Yet many do.

Buying a CRM is not a business development strategy. Placing a single ad in a publication is not an advertising campaign. Sponsoring a hole in the local association golf tournament is not a marketing program.

I often use the following when engaging a prospect or client: "Buying a treadmill will not get you in shape... however, the continued and effective use of it will."

The key is 'continued and effective use'.

I've witnessed companies spend thousands on CRM and use it continually, but not effectively. I have worked with companies that bought a healthy dose of advertising for one trade show but that was all. I have written business plans for companies only to follow up six months later and learn they never read it.

Of all industries, the design and construction industry understands what it means to follow a plan. There are not too many buildings that go up by assembling a couple hundred building product manufactures, subcontractors, contractors and designers on a vacant piece of land with everyone just winging it on their own.

They follow a very specific set of plans and specifications to a successful, completed goal.

The same should be true for that portion of business charged with gaining new customers and keeping current ones. The desired results will not happen overnight, through a single tweet, one blog post, one half-page ad, a golf shirt with the new logo, etc. Success will come from a dedicated program that can be executed effectively and continually.

Instant is for soup.

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