How to Monetize Your MLM Business Blog

By David L. Feinstein

You may be wondering if monetizing your blog posts is a good idea. You can earn a passive income from. Doing so. However, you can also distract your visitors with the ads as well. If your blog is new with less than 1000 views a month, it may be wise to wait on adding the advertising to the pages. You can focus growing your business without the extra distraction. If you're hitting upwards 1000 or more views a month without paying ad costs. It may be the right time to expand into the passive income field. There is no guarantee that you will see a high yield from the ads. You may want to research before moving ahead.

Building your MLM business through Ad Display

Your MLM business is a valuable commodity for advertisers. You can offer space for displayed ads on your pages or only on your blog. You can work with Google, Yahoo or any other reputable search and ad provider for your passive operation. Before agreeing to display any ads, please review their terms of service and other agreements. This will ensure that you understand their methods of operation. You can always submit questions before signing to their service.

Where to display the ads and why you should restrict some pages

Your MLM business pages are valuable and many of them should not display ads. The ads will distract visitors and lead them away. You do have control of what is displayed but you don't want to lose business. Your homepage to your own passive products should not offer ads. This doesn't mean you have to follow this rule but you do want business, right? Partner pages, blogs and videos to free stuff are good places to display relevant ads.

Your freebie page is an opportunity to get some possible income from all the hard work you've done. Your blog posts can also generate income from your ads as well, even with call to actions on the pages. Your videos will take priority over any ad. Unless you have more ads than videos.

Don't over do the ads
Your MLM business is the main headliner. You don't need to run a lot of ads on your pages to generate income. Spread them out across your pages in small doses. The fewer ads the better they will look on your website. This also means you value the space that you have to offer.

About The Author

David L. Feinstein, noted business coach and home business entrepreneur, is the author of various articles and books that help to empower individuals. To get the real innovative marketing knowledge and training, so you can be at the cutting edge of using technology to build your internet network marketing business correctly, visit;

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