Why Interpreters Are Needed for Cross-Cultural Management

By Marina Ivanova

In this day and age of business globalization, it's no surprise that more and more companies are in need of managers and leaders who can effectively perform their jobs in different cultures and countries throughout the world. That is no small task, and requires a very special skillset. These professionals must have the ability to understand highly diverse markets and oversee teams comprised of people from - quite literally - all around the world. It almost goes without saying that these people must have a high level expertise within their own industry, but the assets of a cross-cultural leader/manager go far beyond job experience. Most often, these are individuals who are educated, open-minded and able to quickly adapt to different situations and people, have spent a good deal of time in different countries, and have the ability to speak at least two languages, if not more. Still, finding the right person - someone who fits all the criteria listed above and is fluent in the language and culture of the specific countries in which a corporation conducts business - would be nothing short of a small miracle. That's why interpreters and translators play such an essential support role for cross-cultural managers.

Aside from the obvious language challenges that exist when attempting high level communications with business leaders from other countries, corporation executives also need to remember the deep cultural differences present between people in different regions of the world. If those executives are fortunate enough to find an experienced, qualified manager who is also fluent in the language and intimately familiar with the culture of the other country(s), then problem solved! But more often than not, the cross-cultural manager will need the assistance of a highly skilled interpreter, preferably one who can not only understand the nuances of language and terminology exchanged in business meetings, but also one who is thoroughly familiar with the culture of the other country and can steer the manager in the appropriate direction with regard to those cultural differences. Ideally, this interpreter would be an individual who is a native speaker, or at least someone who has spent a good deal of time in the country.

Now that we've established the importance of interpreters and translators as support personnel for cross-cultural managers, the next question is, how does a company locate these qualified professionals? The easiest answer lies in a reputable translation company that employs a variety of translators and interpreters from around the world. Through this type of organization, business executives can find a qualified, experienced linguist; one who is not only fluent in the language(s) required, but also one who understands the cultural differences and can provide the cross-cultural manager with the information necessary to effectively conduct business on a global scale. Translation companies can also ensure that interpreters have a background within the industry in question - experience that is invaluable when it comes to technical and scientific fields in particular.

It's easy to see the importance of cross-cultural managers and leaders. But it's important to remember the role that interpreters play in today's global marketplace as well. These highly trained professionals provide corporations with an insight into cultural differences that might otherwise divide us in our business dealings. Thanks to interpreters, company leaders can not only communicate effectively with business associates from other parts of the world, they can also more effectively market their products and services to customers from around the globe. As we look forward to a world in which global business transactions become more and more common, it becomes obvious that the need for translators and interpreters will continue to grow as well.

At MI Translations, our commitment to our customers is as unwavering as our dedication to providing accurate, precise translation services. We have been able to distinguish ourselves because of our team and the processes we employ to guide our work.

We're committed to excellence in everything we do. It's that simple.

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