India and Malaysia recently faced off in a friendly match

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Don't Be Afraid of Strong Language

By Janet Christy

Use fewer, stronger words to make your grant applications, reports and proposals more successful and effective.

I see so many documents that use soft, cushiony words instead of strong, emphatic words. Not using strong language in a proposal offers an opportunity for the recipient to say NO, or at least not make a decision. Using soft terms in a report diminishes the results and accomplishments. Using weak words in a grant application make you seem hesitant or unsure of the effort/organization for which you seek funding. Not using strong words is not only a wasted opportunity; it can also have long-term impact on funding and perception.

By using weak words, people often use too many words. Too many words can be perceived as propping up a lame idea or program. Often you are limited in how many words you can include in a grant application or report. The reason for the limit is to ensure the writer is succinct. Weak wording almost always results in excess words.

Another impact of both more words and weak words is that the reader will not read everything you write. This can result in them not having full understanding of what you are proposing or reporting. Ask yourself how often you have stopped reading something because your brain froze-up due to the wording and length.

You probably do not even realize that you are using weak words or that you are too wordy. So here are some examples of ways to strengthen and shorten your message.

Instead of saying "will give students an opportunity to... " replace will give with provide.

In place of shows use demonstrates

Replace this sentence: We expect that they will generate insights that will help improve operations

With this: We will gather insights from Key Stakeholders that will improve operations.

Instead of: We are requesting funding for training because without a comprehensive understanding of how a human services agency should operate in order to meet the purpose and goals of the agency, staff will not be working at their optimum and most effective level.

Try this: The requested funding will finance staff training that will improve their efficiency and increase the effectiveness of our services.

Substitute for: This study will attempt to gain an understanding of the community needs and obstacles through a comprehensive community engagement and input effort.

This: This study will gather pertinent data on needs and obstacles through interviews and focus groups.

Another example of wordy to impactful.

Wordy: Using a carefully crafted process, we will lead the Board through an assessment that will result in the discovery of the obstacles and misunderstandings that inhibit the realization of our organization's goals.

Impactful: We will use our proven evaluation process to help the Board identify the actions necessary to accomplish our goals.

Here are a few examples of weak, unsure words and phrases:

Will attempt to (just use will)

In an effort to (again, just use will, or maybe pair will with a strong verb such as the ones below)

Plan to collect (replace plan to with will)



And here are some strong, confident words:










Remember these things the next time your write something important.

Fluff does not enhance

Extra words do not increase the impact of the statement

Brevity is powerful

Direct has impact

Verbs are stronger than verb phrases

Confidence convinces

Get to the point

And never, ever whine!

Janet W Christy is a consultant specializing in getting information (from people's heads, reports, studies, focus groups, etc.) into a usable form, such as an operational/business plan, grant application, evaluation/assessment, report, policy manual or developmental plan. Janet's blog can be found at You can see more information about Janet and her firm, Leverage & Development, LLC at She is also a Research Fellow with USC Upstate's Metropolitan Studies Institute.

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