India and Malaysia recently faced off in a friendly match

India and Malaysia recently faced off in a friendly match, showcasing the talent and skills of both teams. The game was highly anticipated a...

Better Choices Than a Nursing Home or Hospital-A True Story!

By Richard Ruhling

It's been a month since my wife, a former nurse yielded to three phone calls from a friend to get her out of the nursing home. When she came to us, she needed a wheel chair--she couldn't walk, talk or smile. Now she has all three and her humor rewards us!

The average number of prescriptions in a nursing home is 9-13 and these figures are nearly a decade out of date. The benefit to the patient is very low--they are prescribed for the nurses who don't have to put up with any complaints; the patient is zonked out.

A patient can stand in the hall and fill his or her diaper while staring into space. They will say everything is fine. No brain, no pain, as we said in medical school.

Adverse drug reactions have made medical care a leading cause of death. These reactions put 2.2 million people in hospitals and 106,000 died, "making these reactions between the fourth and sixth leading cause of death." Journal of American Medical Assoc. 4-15-1998

But how many died at home? 199,000 according to the Western Journal of Medicine... June, 2000. Deaths in and outside hospitals from Rx totaled 305,000 then, with 8 million admissions to the hospital and 3 million for long-term care (nursing homes--these people were messed up for life!)

"From 1998 through 2005, reported serious adverse drug events increased 2.6-fold... fatal adverse drug events increased 2.7-fold... " Archives of Internal Medicine, Sep 10, 2007, p 1752.

This information makes prescription drugs the #1 cause of death, but we still hear "heart disease... heart disease... heart disease." That's a smoke screen for the real culprit, and it justifies giving more drugs for cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes control when ALL of those conditions are diet related, but never mind--eat as you please and take the prescriptions?

When a patient dies in a nursing home (and half of them do within a year of admission) the doctor signs the death certificate as dying from heart disease in most cases. The heart stopped, but no autopsy is done to discover the coronary arteries are OK and it was probably the drugs that affected the heart rhythm.

So how did Miriam do so well at our place? It's mainly a low fat vegan diet and none of the prescriptions that she was taking in the nursing home! And her blood sugars (finger stick device) have been lower than at the nursing home. A side benefit to Miriam--only once a day compared to four finger sticks daily in the nursing home.

For more information on reversing most conditions by diet, watch the YouTubes by Drs. Daniel Amen, Neal Barnard, Colin Campbell, Caldwell Esselstyn, Michael Gregor, John McDougal and Neil Nedley. "The life you save may be your own."

They are totally at odds with the medical establishment and drugging industry that has congress on their side because they donate to their re-election campaigns. The damnable greed of media for their advertising dollar is also part of the problem.

Oddly enough, the Bible was 2000 years ahead of medical science when it said the nations were deceived by sorcery where the Greek word for sorcery is pharmakeia in Revelation 18:23. This is not the only truth that translators have hidden.

Dr. Richard Ruhling was board-certified in Internal Medicine before teaching Health Science at Loma Linda University. Some of the above information was excerpted from his website, http://LeadingCauseOfDeathPrescriptionDrugs.comwhich has a link to more information in the left column, click Be Your Own Doctor.

Ruhling was often sick as a child--he got a penicillin shot most winters from his father who was an MD--he liked ice cream, sweets and meats, but became a vegetarian in college. At 77, he's in excellent health, having taking only one prescription for intestinal flu 30 years ago on a trip. His book, Why You Shouldn't Ask Your Doctor, has been appreciated by most readers. It's a free download for visiting his website and leaving an email at

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