What are the different types of surrogacy and what is best for you!

The surrogacy process is a complicated way of family building.  But for many childless couples, it is the only way of becoming parents.  As surrogacy is a long and complicated process and just planning can make it confusing.  Most parents do not know where to start and where to go for help?

Did you know there are lots of distinct kinds of surrogacy? 

Different type of surrogacy could be overwhelming to the would-be parents and for surrogate mothers. That is why it is good to know more about surrogacy in general, before choosing the best option for you.

Surrogacy isn't one size fits for all. A dedicated surrogacy professional can help you explain the full process and to choose the best option for you. That will be based on your specific case--like your marital status, if you same-sex couples, your citizenship and type of financial burden you can afford.

Let’s discuss briefly various types of surrogacy:

Gestational vs. Traditional Surrogacy: With regards to creating an embryo, the two main types of surrogacy are traditional and gestational.

In gestational surrogacy, the prospective parents create embryos with their very own egg and sperm or utilizing donated sperm or egg with the help of IVF Process. It is done in the IVF clinic under the supervision of a fertility specialist. A surrogate mother is the only carrier of the baby and does not genetically link with the baby. It is the most common form of surrogacy along with the world. 

While traditional surrogacy means the surrogate mother is being genetically related to the baby, she is carrying. The traditional surrogacy is not common surrogacy form as it comes with lots of legal and emotional baggage.

For traditional surrogacy, the method of insemination can be a home kit or in the doctor office. The cost of surrogacy is a bit low as no expensive medical procure like IVF is needed.

Commercial or altruistic surrogacy: Different way that can affect the types of surrogacy is if the surrogate mother is compensated for her time and effort or not. When a surrogate is given a base payment for carrying the kid, this is called compensated surrogacy or commercial surrogacy. It is the most common form of surrogacy and allowed in many countries like USA (few states), Russia, Ukraine, and Georgia.

If a surrogate doesn't receive any monetary benefits of carrying the baby, she is participating in an altruistic surrogacy. She can get necessary reimbursement for her medical expenses, travel expense, and loss of wages, but no money is paid for carrying the baby. 
This form of surrogacy is not common but legally allowed in a few countries like Canada, UK, and Australia. If you have a family member or friend as a surrogate, it comes under altruistic surrogacy. 

Domestic vs. International Surrogacy: It based on which location the surrogacy process took place.

Surrogacy is an ART procedure that is completed around the world. Nevertheless, many countries have strict regulating for surrogacy, and in some countries, it is illegal at all.
So, if you are doing surrogacy in your home country, it can be a domestic surrogacy. The countries like the USA has a robust legal framework for surrogacy. So, American citizens try to do surrogacy in the USA.

But most time, due to the incredible high surrogacy cost in the US, make them opt for international surrogacy.

Domestic surrogacy allows parents and surrogates to meet, establish a connection, and easily remain in contact throughout the entire surrogacy procedure.

In International Surrogacy, the intended parents go out of their countries to do the surrogacy process. International surrogacy is common for those nations where surrogacy is illegal. For such couples, the only hope is to go out of their country to have a baby via surrogacy process. Countries like China and Singapore do not allow surrogacy in their land. 

Agency Surrogacy or independent surrogacy: Typically, surrogates and intended parents will choose between these types of surrogacy based on their specific case. If intended parents and surrogate have not found one another yet, they’ll usually work with a trusted surrogacy agency.

A surrogacy agency can help them find each other and match them based on their need. In short, they find a perfect match of a surrogate and intend parents, and then coordinate and assist full surrogacy journey with them.

It is worth to mention that the surrogacy agency helps come with a hefty fee. So, intended parents need to have a deep pocket to hire a surrogacy agency to manage their surrogacy journey.

Independent Surrogacy is when intended parents and surrogates are aware of the surrogacy process or are comfortable handling all task themselves. If intended parents are working with a surrogate they know (usually a friend or family member), they may feel comfortable without the mediation services offered by a surrogacy agency.

Because they will already be matched, they may just need a surrogacy lawyer and fertility clinic to handle the legal and medical aspects of the surrogacy. Intended parents who are looking to save money on their surrogacy, an independent surrogacy may be the cheaper option between these two types of surrogacy.


Deciding which Type of Surrogacy is right for you is only you can choose.
But you need to know about the various options and then make what work best for you. To be honest, each surrogacy is different, and it can be handled with an open and flexible approach.

Your final decision will be based on a few factors like:

• If you have enough money to take a full-service program from the surrogacy agency.
• If you are a same-sex couple, your surrogate mother ready to work with full compassion.
• In which state you live or rather your surrogate mother lives, few states do not allow commercial surrogacy. So, do your research.
• If you have a surrogate as a friend or relative, as it will make the process easier for you.

Remember, your surrogacy journey is going to be one of the most important decisions of your life. Creating a new life is not easy, and sometimes you might not know what is best for you!
That is why it is recommended to take a surrogacy consultation. Mostly these initial consultations are free of cost and give a good overview of the gestational surrogacy process.
A surrogacy agent can help you know the pros and cons of the surrogacy process.

If you’d like to learn more about IVF, Egg Donation, or surrogacy services globally, check out the rest of our website at IVF Conceptions. We offer legally secure and affordable surrogacy services to build families with love.

Our surrogacy consultancy is free of cost. We do not charge any fee for it and make sure you are well informed of all your options to make an informed decision.

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