How Can the Right Humidity Level Make Your Team More Productive?

It's no surprise that being uncomfortable at work has a negative impact on employee productivity and job satisfaction, but when it comes to optimising your working space and efficiency, humidity is often overlooked.

The growing impact of climate change means humidity is increasing across the world, and research from America's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration shows that the ensuing reduction of labour productivity is likely to get worse. Humidity can reduce working capacity by an average of 10%, meaning air quality should be top of the agenda when considering how to make your team happier and more successful.

High humidity makes team members feel more tired, and increases sensitivity to high temperatures - a common source of workplace tension. When employees don't feel like they're working at the right temperature, they waste an average of between 10 and 30 minutes each day, with 6% spending over half an hour not working at all. Because high humidity means the human body can't sweat as well as it should, businesses should take extra care to stay on top of air quality in the workplace, keeping it to about 40% for the most comfortable, productive environment.

Low humidity can be an issue as well, with dry, cold air equally capable of making workers feel uncomfortable, and thus unable to work to their full capacity. When the air is dry, equipment is more likely to fail or malfunction, as materials shrink or expand to cope with the surrounding conditions. Keeping an eye on your humidity levels is therefore a crucial exercise in minimising risk for your business: it won't just make your workforce more efficient, but could improve the safety of your whole working environment.

Controlling humidity isn't always easy, but with the right equipment and an adequate level of monitoring, it's possible to regulate your environment and make sure your workers are comfortable, not overly sensitive to temperature, and working to their full potential. Ultimately, maintaining the right humidity levels will help your business boost profitability, as your teams can stop thinking about their environment and focus on doing the job well.

Dehumidification and air manipulation products are the simple way to cost-effectively manage the humidity of your business and ensure the comfort of your workforce.

Looking to the future, we can expect to see more joined up, smarter climate and humidity control, with systems that can deliver dehumidification, air purification, and monitoring of air quality all from one place. With a significant yet little-known impact on team morale, well-being and output, humidification control might just be the crucial business-boosting factor that will allow you to realise your potential.

Dehum are a leading UK manufacturer and supplier of humidity control and accelerated drying systems. Dehum have decades of experience providing elite clients like Coke, McLaren, Pfizer, Airbus and GSK with high-performance, reliable humidity control machines and tools. How can they help your business?

 By Alec James

Article Source: How Can the Right Humidity Level Make Your Team More Productive?

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