5 Useful Remedies for Kidney Disease

By Leo Eigenberg

While it is essential to receive appropriate medical treatment for patients with kidney disease, there are also other causes of action that can be taken, such as eating a healthy diet. A proper diet that is rich in fruit and vegetables can reduce or prevent many of the symptoms associated with kidney disease. Let's take a look at a few of the remedies for kidney disease:

Low-salt diet

Kidney disease puts a lot of strain on the body, so it is helpful to cut salt to a minimum. It helps to cut convenience-style meals and frozen foods from the diet because they are well-known to be very high in salt content. Instead, eat a diet that is rich in fresh fruit and vegetables. Also, avoid adding a lot of spices to meals.

Dandelion greens

Dandelion greens have a peppery, bitter flavor and is easily added to a variety of meals. It is a very reliable source of vitamin A and with its diuretic properties can provide plenty of health benefits, including the ability to treat kidney disease.

Parsley juice

Parsley is one of the most popular home remedies for cleansing the kidneys. This green leafy vegetable is rich in copper, riboflavin, vitamin C and vitamin A. Parsley is very easy to add to the diet. For instance, it can simply be placed in water and boiled. Once, the water is cool it is ready to drink. It will help to lower toxicity levels in the kidneys and also benefit the health in general. Also, this vegetable can make a useful diuretic substance which will help to flush out the build up of toxins in the body.

Herbal Teas

Herbal teas are a very useful option for kidney disease. There are several herbal teas that can help such as dandelion tea, gravel root tea, blueberry tea, marshmallow tea and green tea. Most of these herbal teas are very high in detoxifying compounds and antioxidants that can help to manage the proper function of the kidneys.

Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice is a delicious and effective option for treating kidney related issues. Cranberries contain certain compounds that can help to lower the degree of infection in the kidneys. Simply drink a few glasses of this juice when experience episodes of irritation or inflammation in the area of the kidneys. However, it is important to still control the intake of this juice because it can be toxic if consumed in high volume.

Learn more about maintaining the health of your kidneys by visiting Healthy Kidney Inc.

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