What Are the Symptoms of Kidney Failure?

By Leo Eigenberg

Proper kidney function is necessary to balance the proper ratio of electrolytes, salt and water in the blood. In the event of kidney failure, the consequences can be very serious. However, in the early stages of kidney damage, the ability to notice any change in your general health is quite difficult. For many patients, there aren't likely to be any obvious symptoms. The health problems are often discovered when sudden failure occurs which can lead to a life-threatening situation.

Let's take a look at a few of the most common symptoms of kidney failure:

General pain - a common sign of kidney problems is when there is tenderness or a throbbing feeling in the abdomen/back area or below the rib cage.

Low urine production - a further symptom is the low urine production, which is typically much less than normal, or in certain situations, not at all. Also, an early sign can be a noticeable change in the number of times that urination is necessary. The increased need to use the toilet can also be combined with a change in color of urine which can include blood.

Fluid retention - the build up of fluid in the lower regions of the body, such as the feet, ankles and legs is a very noticeable sign. The swelling caused by the fluid retention is a consequence of an electrolyte imbalance. Also, the face can start to appear swollen and puffy.

Mood changes - any case of dehydration or a shift in electrolyte levels can lead to mood and cognitive changes. This can make it difficult to concentrate with issues of brain fog, confusion, fatigue, anxiety, and trouble sleeping.

Other typical symptoms include high blood pressure, loss of appetite, nausea and indigestion.

Treating underlying problems

In many situations it is best to treat the kidneys by resolving underlying problems that led to the patient's illness.

However, in the event of chronic or permanent kidney damage the condition cannot be reversed, and dialysis treatment may be necessary for the long-term future. For the most chronic cases, a patient is likely to need regular dialysis treatment for the rest of their lives.

Even though kidney disease is a serious health condition, it does not always lead to a patient being at risk of dying or having to experience dialysis forever. The possible treatment options are based on a variety of factors, such as age and overall health. A person with failed or severely damage kidneys can still enjoy a fulfilling life with the right ongoing care and treatment.

Learn about getting prepared for kidney disease by visiting Healthy Kidney Inc.

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