What Is A572 and Why Use It?

By Jeff Weigang

What is it?
ASTM A572 is a high strength, low alloy steel plate that is utilized in a variety of different industries. The thickness can vary dramatically, going up to 4 inches and thicker.

In many instances, it offers a 50 KSI minimum yield as well. This focuses on the tensile strength. The higher the KSI, the greater the resistance is so that the metal doesn't break under tension.

The metal plate is a common material in all sorts of applications. It can be kept in a standard plate form, rolled, or cut. It is what makes it so popular to use.

What are the different characteristics?
The characteristics vary considerably based upon the grade level. The grade will determine the tensile load, the overall strength, and even the corrosion resistance.

It is considered a very strong form of steel plate, however. It's also lightweight. This means that less material is required in order to get the job done of other steel that is heavier.

Chemical properties include carbon, manganese, phosphorus, and Sulphur. The percentages will vary in the different grades.

One of the greatest benefits is that the metal is both ductile and easy to form. It can be cut, bent, and welded into the shape that is needed to get the job done. Many metals are either ductile or easy to form - not both.

How is it commonly used?
A572 is used across all sorts of industries. In many instances, it is used as base plates, gusset plates, and bridge plates. It can also be used as structural steel stiffeners.

Some companies use it for bridges and buildings while others use it in truck parts, freight cars, and machinery. This means that you can choose the application that best works for you.

Since there are different grades as well as sizes available, you can choose A572 with confidence knowing that it's going to be a metal that will work in so many different ways. You can also have various tests conducted to determine if it will meet all of the needs. This will ensure there is no guesswork in place. When you're more confident with the metal you're using, it will allow you to build or fabricate with confidence.

When you're ready to order A572 steel plate, you need to figure out what grade you need. From there, determine the sizes. You want to find a supplier who can provide you with all the custom sizes and cuts that you need. If you require any treatments to enhance corrosion resistance or anything else, be sure to identify it at the time you place your order.

Ranger Steel has always strived to form personal relationships with customers in a wide variety of industries. The industries we serve are as follows: ship building, oil and gas, mining, light and heavy commercial and industrial construction; service centers; as well as fabricators for heavy plate, vessel and heat exchangers, storage tanks, bridges, electrical transmission, and railcars.

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