The Blessings of Our Inadequacy (2)

2 Corinthians 3:1-6

Many people would scoff at the idea of inadequacy as any kind of blessing. Too many of us have been tormented by such feelings rather than blessed by them. At the same time, Christians can use them as stepping stones to blessing:
1. Our inadequacy forces us to do our work in the power of the Holy Spirit. Anything that puts us on our knees and drives us to God has to be good.
2. An awareness of our limitation can relieve us of the burden of trying to do God’s will in our own strength. Without the Holy Spirit, we will be crushed by weights we cannot carry.
3. Another blessing is that such awareness “frees” God to use us to the maximum of our potential. When we are lowly enough to feel our need, then God will raise us to great heights.
4. Acknowledging our shortcomings allows God to get all the glory for His work. Spiritually minded people can tell when something is of God and when it’s not. If you are in the Spirit, the glory will rightfully go to the Lord.
5. Inadequacy can enable us to live in contentment and quietness of spirit. Either we will give God our burdens and cease striving, or we will proceed in our own strength and become overwhelmed.
Like Paul, we should not claim adequacy in ourselves, but rather acknowledge that our adequacy is from God. (2 Corinthians 3:5) What area in your life are you trying to manage in your own power? Relinquish control and watch for God’s blessing.

Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries

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