The Blessings of Our Inadequacy

2 Corinthians 2:15-17
Most of us assume that feelings of inadequacy are enemies to be subdued rather than friends to be employed. In some cases, however, these feelings can prepare us for our greatest accomplishments. That is what Paul found when he set out to preach the Gospel to all creation. In spite of his great learning and varied gifts, the apostle acknowledged that he was not sufficient of himself to minister for the Lord. By taking that attitude, he was able to step out beyond his own personal limits and tap into supernatural power.
Many times we fail to take this extra step because we too easily surrender to our inadequacies. We may use our limitations as an excuse for not taking on difficult assignments. We say, “I can’t do this,” or “I don’t want that responsibility” when faced with God’s call to serve. Know that the Lord will not accept such excuses because He has given the Holy Spirit to empower us for any task He assigns. If we fail to claim this power, then we run the risk of multiplied failure. First of all, we miss out on the joy, peace, and contentment derived from stepping out in faith to answer God’s “impossible” call and watching His enablement. In addition, our hesitancy may deprive other people of the benefits of our service. You may not feel that you have a lot to offer, but never underestimate the impact of one person who has learned how to depend upon the adequacy of Almighty God.

Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries

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