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Religious Discourse and the Crisis of Capitalism

Religious Discourse and the Crisis of Capitalism

Marxists will call religion a false consciousness because it distances our understanding from the world and towards the Other that we do not know about and there is no point in asking. The entire history of science establishes two basic assumptions: a) the world outside of me, and b) I can understand that world, and if there are things that I don't understand now, at least I can know it in the future. . To set boundaries that human knowledge should not reach is to open oneself to all kinds of mysticism and superstition. For more than 2000 years, humanity has been struggling to gain knowledge about itself and the world in which it lives. During this period, religion was the enemy of scientific progress, and not by chance.

In the battle of science against religion - that is, in the battle of rational thought against irrationality - Marxism firmly favors science. But there's more to it than that. The purpose of acquiring knowledge of the world is to change it. The deepest meaning of the entire human history over the past 100,000 years - and more - lies in humanity's relentless struggle to win the battle with nature, to be able to control its destiny and thus become free.

The roots of religion lie in the distant past when humans struggled to break away from the animal world we descended from. In order to understand natural phenomena beyond their control, man found refuge in witchcraft and animism - the earliest forms of religion. This stage of childish consciousness should have long since passed, but the human mind is very conservative and attached to ideas and prejudices that have long lost their justification for existence.

In class society, the paradigm of "love your neighbor" has a halo. A market economy with its moral "Hl. St. Florian, save my house, burn another" etc. that seems difficult, no, not even impossible. To change the behavior and psychology of men and women, it is necessary to change their way of life. In Marx's words: "Social existence determines consciousness". The whole world is dominated by a handful of giant monopolies that plunder the world, desecrate the planet, destroy the environment and curse countless millions of people to a life of unbearable misery and suffering.

The ladies and gentlemen who sit on the boards of these multinational corporations are mostly Christians, to a lesser extent Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and other believers. But none of this is the true religion of capitalism. Rather, it is the worship of Mamon, the * of wealth. Capitalism overturns human relations. Everything has become so twisted and twisted that we refer to someone as "a million dollars" - as if we were talking about a trade article. Television talks about the stock market, the market, the dollar and the pound as if they were living things ("The euro is recovering a bit today"). This is what alienation means: inanimate objects (capital) come alive and living things (man, work) become dead,

Human development involves a descending line and an ascending line. The layers of modern culture and civilization that have been awakened for thousands of years are still very thin. Below are all the ingredients of barbarism. Anyone who doubts this should read the history of Nazi Germany or more recent events in the Balkans. At the time of its rise, the bourgeoisie stood on the basis of rationality - yes, even atheism. Now in the period of capitalist decline, irrational traits appear everywhere - even in the most developed and "sophisticated" countries. If the working class fails to change society, all past achievements are threatened and even the future of human civilization is uncertain.

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The destruction brought about by capitalism all over the world has given birth to countless monsters. In periods of senile decline, he gave impetus to the religious and mystical tendencies of the most backward kind. The reactionary role of religion can be seen around the world today, from Afghanistan to Northern Ireland. On all sides we see ugly monsters of fundamentalism: not just Islamic fundamentalism, but Christian, Jewish and Hindu fundamentalism. The message of brotherly love and hope turned into a flame of despair, hatred, and mutual killing. On this path nothing is possible except barbarism and the destruction of human culture and civilization.

The cause of this horror lies not in religion itself, as claimed by superficial observers, but in the evils of capitalism and imperialism that destroy entire states and communities, destroying the order of society and the family without putting anything in its place. Fearing the future and desperate for the present, people seek solace in the "eternal truth" of the non-existent past. The emergence of the so-called religious fundamentalism is just one of the real expressions of the stalemate of capitalist society, which makes people desperate and crazy. As we saw in Iran and Afghanistan, the promises of religious paradise on earth are just empty dreams that turn into nightmares.

Religion cannot explain anything that is happening in the world today. Their role should not be explained, but to comfort the masses with dreams and to apply a balm of false promises to their wounds. But a person always wakes up from a dream, and the effect of the sweetest balm disappears, making the pain feel sharper. Religion is a false consciousness in which true consciousness requires a scientific view of the universe and our place in it. The prerequisite for winning our freedom as human beings is a radical disconnect with dreams and a willingness to see the world as it is and ourselves as we are: mortal men and women striving for a worthy human existence on this earth.

Alienated humanity itself. Since time immemorial, men (and even more so women) have been raised in the spirit of obedience. We have been taught to think we are weak, helpless, no matter what we do, "man thinks but God directs". The dominant idea is one of fatalism. Nothing can be done about the pending issue. This kind of fatalistic acceptance, the worship of which is subject to established facts, is ingrained in all religions. Christians are commanded to give the other cheek if someone slaps them in the face, the word Islam means 'surrender' and the Old Testament prophets assure us 'everything is in vain'. From this feeling of powerlessness comes the need for a Higher Being that is not everything to us. Man is mortal; God is eternal. Man is weak; god is strong Man does not know the mysteries of the universe; God is all-knowing, etc.

The belief one must look to heaven for salvation fuels belief in miracles. This does not mean it is limited to the uneducated masses. People find a similar superstitious mindset among economic fortune tellers and stockbrokers, which only reflects, at a higher level, the mentality of a gambler holding a rabbit's leg as he rolls the dice. In the Bible the hungry are fed, the blind see, the lame walk; All because of divine miracles. Today we no longer need the intervention of supernatural powers to perform such miracles. The achievements of modern science and technology allow us to do these things on our own. It's just an artificial limitation

To the extent that men and women are able to control their lives and develop as free human beings, interest in religion---that is, the search for solace in the after---life will, according to Marxist beliefs, diminish on its own. Of course, believers do not agree with this prophecy. Time will tell who is right. Meanwhile, disagreements over such matters should not deter every honest Christian, Hindu, Jew or Muslim who wants to take part in the struggle against injustice from joining hands with Marxists in the struggle for a new and better world.

For heaven in this world!. " If I had to start from scratch, I would try to avoid this or that mistake, but my life path in general will be the same. I died as a proletarian revolutionary, a Marxist, a dialectical materialist and, consequently, an irreversible atheist. My belief in the communist future of mankind is no less passionate, even stronger today than in my youth. Faith in man and his future gives me such resilience even now, which no religion can give." (Trotsky: Stalin. NY 1967)

In his book The Metaphysics, Aristotle makes a very profound statement when he says human beings begin to philosophize when the needs of life are met. By eliminating the old dependence that denigrates men and women on material things, socialism will build the foundation for radical change in the way we think and act. Trotsky explains what will happen in a classless society:

"In socialism, solidarity will be the basis of society. All the sentiments that we revolutionaries in the present are just anxiously calling - so diminished by hypocrisy and vulgarity - such as impartial friendship, neighborly love, sympathy, would be chords of mighty-sounding socialist poetry." (Trotsky: Literature and Revolution).

The chain of oppression and class slavery is not only material, but psychological and spiritual. It will take time, even after capitalism is abolished, to heal the psychological and moral wounds of slavery. Men and women who have been trained all their lives in a submissive spirit will not immediately rid their minds and souls of old prejudices. But when social and material conditions are available to allow men and women to have access to true human relationships, their behavior and way of thinking will change. When that day comes, people will not need the police - neither material nor spiritual.

The sophists of ancient Greece were very ingenious philosophers and declared "man is the measure of all things". In a classless society that is bound to happen. But where do men and women really have complete control over their lives and destinies, what place is left for the supernatural? Instead of thirsting for imaginary life beyond the grave, people will focus their energies on making life as beautiful and enjoyable as possible. This is the inner meaning of socialism: to concrete what has the potential to always exist.

In this higher form of human society, men and women will rise to their true greatness. They will rid the world of all poverty, hatred and injustice. They will return our planet to its natural glory, its rivers, seas and waterfalls will become clean again and all its amazing biodiversity will be protected and appreciated. Dense and dense cities will be torn down and rebuilt with all the attention and artistic creativity that people should give to their surroundings. The depths of the ocean will be discovered and their final secrets revealed.

Finally and eventually we will spread our arms to heaven - not in prayer but in a spaceship, which will take humanity to the edge of our galaxy and perhaps further. When men and women enjoy the infinite scene of human progress, which we can achieve through our own efforts and resources and without any zeal, what space should there be to use religion? People will abandon old beliefs once they find they no longer need them.

Great words of wisdom can be found in the Bible, as in the Epistles to the Corinthians where we read: "When I was a child, I spoke like a child, thought like a child, and judged like a child. When I became a man, I got rid of what was in me as a child." (1 Corinthians 13:11) The same thing happened in the evolution of our species. When mankind finally fulfills its destiny and is able to stand on its own two feet and live life to the fullest, it no longer needs religious support, supernatural beings to worship, or false comfort to live in a world other than this world. . When that time comes, humanity will abandon religion as easily as people put aside the fairy tales they have loved so much since childhood.


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